A man in western Maharashtra killed his wife as he thought she had fun of his mom’ dying, the police stated. It became presumed that Shubhangi Lokhande (35), wife of accused Sandeep Lokhande, ended her life, overcome with grief through the death of her mom-in-regulation Malati Lokhande (70), police stated on Wednesday (March thirteen). However, an investigation into the Shubhangi’s loss of life discovered that the young lady changed into murdered by using her husband, who becomes livid after she overtly displayed her joy at his mom’s loss of life, a police professional said. An enraged Sandeep threw her off the second-ground balcony of their house within the Apatenagar suburb on Saturday (March 9), police stated. Sandeep, now in police custody, has confessed to the crime, the official said. Local media had reported that Shubhangi committed suicide as she became grief-laid low with her mom-in-regulation’s death, the police stated.
Officials of the Juna Rajwada police station smelt a rat in this theory and decided to probe the problem. “During the research, Sandeep stated his spouse changed into satisfied with the demise of his mom and therefore, in a fit of rage, he killed her,” the police said. “After the ailing Malati died on Saturday morning, Shubhangi became satisfied. She couldn’t hide her feelings. Sandeep became enraged by way of this behaviour of his spouse and killed her the identical day,” the police reliable said. The couple’s two kids are now with Sandeep’s mother and father after their father’s arrest on Wednesday, police said.